Asset Valuing Timeline for Divorce

In California, the overall timeline for a divorce can last several months to several years depending on various factors. Asset valuation, particularly when it comes to divorcing couples with high net worth, is one of the most important of those … Continued

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What Is a Default Divorce?

In California, a spouse can receive a declaration of divorce without needing the cooperation – or even the knowledge – of the other spouse in certain situations. A default divorce is one in which the courts pass judgment on the … Continued

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What Is a Presumed Parent?

You might come across the term “presumed parent” if, during a divorce case, one spouse contests the other’s parentage. Issues relating to presumed parenthood generally don’t arise in cases in which the couple married first and then had children. Unless … Continued

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What Is a Notice of Delinquency?

A notice of delinquency is not a letter any parent wants to receive. It is a legal notification that one has an overdue payment for a court-ordered child support agreement or other such financial obligation. Individuals should take notices of … Continued

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